CREATOR: Throw in with the Devil get thrown in with the Devil :   Angels Gathered Here

"UNC General Administration has requested that the State Property Office approve and accept its concept for developing the JMC which involves 

Buck Stops Here!!

a lease of the existing land and facilities to a nonprofit created by the campuses   (UNCG) and NCA&TSU) and subsequent subleases to tenants that will occupy the JMC."  “The world is seeing explosive growth today in the commercialization of nanotechnology.  We will have all of the assets right here in Guilford County  that we need to participate in that explosion, and  they will be right here at the Gateway University Research Park." said Erskine president of the University of North Carolina  system .[ 1 ]   "With the millions of federal dollars flowing to this center, what [ we] can do to increase the economic opportunities in Guilford County, the Triad and in the state of  North Carolina is truly phenomenal," said Erskine Bowles , president of the UNC system. [A&T lands prized NSF center][31].   The Mission statement of the University of North Carolina is teaching and learning not research parks and commercialization.  
Three North Carolina A&T State University Nanoengineering professors at the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN)  have been awarded research grants totaling $3.5 million.
Orchestrating commercialization of  research the manner and means
 NC A&T federal sponsored research and equipment  came to  be located at fraudulently alleged joint Millennial Campus  Gateway Research Park  and who   benefitted is subject of this Statement of the Case.     Why is Nanoscience and Nanoengineering Joint and at Gateway Research Park.
Bleeding out taxpayers,  alleged JMC Gateway Research Park  maybe icon for  Occupy Raleigh  and University of North Carolina Board of
Governors.  In 2009 when an estimated 5000  teachers lost their  jobs, unemployment at  an all time high and food banks at an all-time low, the alleged Joint  Millennial Campus  received $ 56 Million  taxpayer dollars to build  a Joint School of Nanoscience and  Nanoengineering Research Building owned by  private corporation Gateway Research Park. Inc. 
Millennial Campuses  Financing Act. NCGS § 116-198.31  dictates no pledge of taxes or the faith and credit of the State or any agency or political subdivision thereof, to pay the cost, in whole or part, of buildings, structures, or other facilities.   The sources of funds used to repay the $10 million authorized in 2004 for the Joint Millennial Campus were the Health and Wellness Trust Fund (HWTF) and the Tobacco Trust Fund (TTF).  The session law (SL 2004-179) that authorized the use of debt for  the JMC also required the HWTF and TTF to pay the debt service on this project as well as nine other health and education projects and up to five and youth development facilities.  Although these two trust funds have been abolished, the same source of funds (Master Settlement Agreement- MSA) that used to support them is still being used for debt service. The State’s General Fund is being used to repay the debt service on the Joint Graduate School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering Building.  For more information, you can look up the bill that created this funding on the General Assembly’s website at  NC A&T Photo





Constructing Nanoscience and Nanoengineering facility at NC A&T Farm fraudulent leased to Gateway Research Park  as part of an alleged (NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus:
  • pursuant Lease Nanoscience and Nanoengineering facility is owned by Gateway for the duration of Lease and allows Gateway to depreciate tax payer paid  ($56.3 million dollars) cost of facility;
  • Gateway receives "Manage Facility"  funding for the Nanoscience and Nanoengineering facilities and former school of the Deaf facilities in the amount of the State funded Continuation Budget for the facilities;
  • Gateway and its lessees  may access universities Libraries, information network, an other university facilities;
  • MOU facilitates Gateway operating research equipment;
  • MOU facilitates Gateway  seeking public and private research opportunities;
  • MOU facilitates Gateway  managing research

Why is Liberal Arts UNC at Greensboro in the Nanoscience and Nanoengineering

 When "almost all of the occupations which will be affected by nanotechnology will require a BS in engineering with a broad, interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary approach, and an understanding not only of electrical, mechanical and civil engineering, but biology, physics and chemistry as well " why is Liberal Arts UNC at Greensboro in the Nanoscience and Nanoengineering picture
NC A&T is "well known in areas such as advanced materials, nanotechnology, computational science,  and says N.  Radhakrishnan, former  for research and economic development at N.C. A&T. The school also has significant strengths in other areas, including biotechnology, energy and the environment,  information  sciences and technology,   logistics and  transportation   development.
All  these  endeavors are aligned in eight  research clusters that bring  faculty together across disciplines to   develop large research projects. These research clusters run in parallel with a number of multidisciplinary centers and institutes at N.C. A&T, which develop partnerships with private and corporate sponsors, educational institutions, and government agencies. This includes two US Army Centers of Excellence that are working on projects to enhance the capabilities of soldiers on the battlefield.  [3]

"We're Not Following Any Path, We're Blazing A Trail"

Liberal Arts University of North Carolina at Greensboro offers Doctoral degrees in English, Psychology, Education, Nutrition, Human Development and Family Studies, Exercise and Sport Science, and Music none of which constitute an under standing of electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering.

In 2006 in the category of Doctorial Granting  Universities NC A&T was rated as a High Research University in the Carnegie Foundation classification of colleges  and universities. 
NC A&T the largest producers of  BS. and PhD minority engineers in the country, offers approved  master's degrees in Civil
University Centers/Institutes Focusing on Nanotechnology, A Roadmap for Nanotechnology in North Carolina’s 21st Century Economy, APRIL 2006, NC Board of Science & Technology
Engineering, Chemistry,  Biology,   Industrial Systems & Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Chemical Engineering, Physics, Computational Science and Engineering, as well as doctoral degrees in Energy and Environmental Systems Engineering, computational Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Industrial and Systems Engineering. "NC A&T has a 12-year history in Nano research and has been funded at a rate of $3 to $5 million per year".*
PCG/UNC-NCCCS/UNC Interim report 3.doc/RB.SP.PC.CR.ATPCC.1/CC.14/10May05 Page 34

UNCG  2006-07 Academic Profile  Source : www. UNCG. edu

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools  (NC A&


Nanoscale Technologies are Experimental

    In 2011 HMI North Carolina A&T for the 7th consecutive year  garnered the third largest  highest amount of sponsored research in 17 constituent UNC system surpassed only by UNC flag ships UNC-Chapel Hill and NC A&T  holds patents in Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology,
 Biotechnology, Computational Science, Environmental Sciences,  Transportation Systems, and Public Health,  for  seventh consecutive year achieved  the third highest  research funding in the 16-constituent University of North Carolina  System with  over  $60 million dollars.

North Carolina A&T Nano Centers

  • Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Structures
  • Center for Nanoscale Chemical-Electrical-Mechanical Manufacturing Systems
  • Engineering Research Center for Revolutionalizing Metallic Biomaterials
  • Center for Nanoscience and Nanomaterials

UNC at Greensboro Nanoscience  Centers

  • Center of Research Excellence in Nanobiosciences

Source: North Carolina Board of Science and Technology

NC A&T Sponsored Research 2001 - 2011

NCA&T State University has been funded at an average rate of $3-5 million per year in the area of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Most of the research in nanoengineering is done in the Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Structures (CAMSS). Several Centers and projects are under CAMSS, including the NSF Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST), the DoD Center for Nanoscience, Nanomaterials and Multifunctional Materials (CNN) for Homeland Security, the NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC), the NSF project on US/Europe Materials Collaboration: Self-Organized Nanostructured Thin Films for Catalysis, the NSF project on Nanoscale Interdisciplinary Research Teams (NIRT), the NSF Major Research Instrumentation for Nanoengineering Research, and the NSF Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) program. CAMSS also facilitates many of the materials research activities of the NASA-National Institute for Aerospace (NIA). In addition, the Center for Composite Materials Research (CCMR) does research in nano-enhanced composite materials and the Army Center of Excellence for Battlefield Capability Enhancements (Flexible Displays) does research in material characterization and development of novel displays. [ ]
UNC at Charlotte Proposed UNC Tomorrow Statewide Nano Network collaboration between UNC institutions involved in nanotechnology and Nanoscience excludes NC A&T and NC Central.  Between 2000-05 NC A&T conducted 11 Millions dollars of  nanotechnology research compared to  5.5 million at UNCG and $44,000 dollars at UNCG.  HBI NCCU conducted 2.3 Million compared to $44,000 at UNCG.

 UNC Tomorrow maybe a continuation  of  UNC Yesterday

In 2003-04, with the backbone of North Carolina's industrial economy Tobacco, Textiles, and Furniture in recession and appropriations for UNC-System taking an ever increasing multi-billion dollar bite out of state's coffers, North Carolina's Legislature thru House Bill 1264 (HB 1264) direct UNC-BOG to contract a private consulting firm that had experience in higher education to conduct a comprehensive study (HB 1264 Study) of the mission and educational program needs to ensure that the State's citizens are academically prepared and equipped for current job opportunities and jobs of the future in North Carolina's growing knowledge economy. HB 1264 Study was designed to
provide information and recommendations that would assist the General Assembly in setting priorities for funding to address the strategic higher education needs of the State. Staying a step ahead stated North Carolina A&T State University is well positioned to grow programs in some of the areas identified as emerging industries, citing Objective 2.2: Increase access to University intellectual property and resources (faculty, students, research. Create market-oriented university research clusters to better communicate research programs. [3]

Identified Emerging Markets [4]

[4][ examples of research clusters created by NC A&T are the following:
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Advanced Materials, including Chemicals, Plastics and Nanotechnology
  • Biotechnology and Pharmacology
  • Computing, Software and the Internet
  • Design and Arts
  • Logistics and Distribution
  • Public Health
  • Biotechnology, Bio & Food Sciences
  • Advanced Materials & Nanotechnology
  • Computational Science & Engineering
  • Leadership & Community Development
  • Information Sciences & Technology
  • Transportation & Logistics

Nanotechnology  & Biotechnology   Should have been NC A&T  Signature Program

HB 1264(6) recognized the Historic significance of  Historical Minority   Institutions (HMI), ordered the University to formulate signature programs at them and not to diminish their role.  The study stated " “Signature programs” have been defined as those that are distinctive, that build on existing  strengths, that  advance the institution’s  profile, and that serve regional and/or state economic transformation  needs." Study identified as an emerging area Advanced Materials -- Nanotechnology and Biotechnology.

In HB 1264(7)(2003-04)  the Legislature mandated the Board of Governors emphasized existing and new programs at Liberal Arts
Universities specifically aimed at meeting business, industry, workforce, and career needs of North Carolina in the State's changing and growing knowledge-based economy, taking into account, as appropriate, State and regional economic strategies.  With the source of enrollment growth being minorities as white enrollment leveled off across the University of North Carolina, Guilford Technical Community College experiencing record enrollment, ECPI University and ITT Tech offering addition

UNCG  2003-04 Academic Profile

technology based education  in the Triad education market place.      What’s left on the plate for HWI Liberal Arts UNCG with a  potential national and regional prominent HBI NCA&T across town?   Would  political astute business organization affiliated with university use political connections to reposition HWI UNCG in and HBI NCA&T out?  UNCG 2003-08 formulated a 2003-08 academic plan to establish a joint Millennial campus with NC A&T.  

Scripting UNC at Greensboro & Gateway In and HBI NCA&T out

Erskine Bowles Administration May 2006 fraudulently depicted alleged universities lease of property Identified as Joint Millennial Campus in [ "Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T (Feb 2, 2006)"] as NC G. S.: 116-198.34. (8b) Oct. 2003 designated JMC in ["Lease of Joint Millennial Campus ( May 2006)"] and existing improvement to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development.
Feb. 2nd 2006, UNCG Board of Trustees Action Item : [Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T] was consider ;whose purposed was to pursue a master Lease for properties Identified as Joint Millennial Campus; timeline from Feb 2003 to Sept. 2005 and beyond indicated Joint Millennial Campus wasn't designated Oct. 10. 2003 or at all. 
Session Law 2003-2984, reallocated former Central School of the Deaf to UNC BOG to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State.

Lack designation of Millennial campus deigned NC A&T and UNCG  property rights to Lease Session Law 2003-2984 property to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development  which remained allocated to UNC BOG to establish millennial campuses.

Unequivocal, UNCG BOT Feb 2, 2003 Action Item ["Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T'] Identified Joint Millennial Campus - consisting of existing space at the former Central North Carolina School for the Deaf and 75 acres adjacent to the NCA&T farm and Erskine Bowles Administration [ Lease of Joint Millennial Campus] allegedly Oct. 2003 Designate JMC- former Central School for the Deaf property reallocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75-acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the NC A&T State University Farm,  unambiguous constitute the same property.

Minutes report before the item was consider, Mr. Merrill presented information in support of the agenda item. John Merrill executive director of GCID of the who had recommending and signed off on Leasing the Identified JMC to GCID spoke in support of leasing an alleged Oct. 2003 designate JMC to GCID.  In attendance were Jim W. Phillips, Jr., from General Administration were President Erskine Bowles, Chief of Staff Jeffrey R. Davies; Leslie Winner, Associate Vice President and University Property Officer Terrance Feravich.
Feb. 2, 2006, Action Item: Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T

Session Law 2003-2984

Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (APPENDIX C )
UNC BOG  document Lease of Joint  Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro  was approved by the Hanna Cage Committee on Budget and Finance; forward to full UNC BOG where it was approved on the consent agenda, and forward to State Property Office to present to (NC) Council of State,  culminating in the lease State property to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development , renamed Gateway Research Park, Inc., under false pretense, Racketeering, Fraud, and in violation of Session Law 2003-2984. 
Certified Public Record Request to UNC Office of the President Dr. Thomas Ross,  UNCG Chancellor Brady, and NCA&T Chancellor Martin for alleged University requests to establish Joint Millennial Campuses and its Lease.

No Documents were received pursuant Certified Public Request to UNC Office of the President Dr. Thomas Ross for  documents supporting alleged Universities Boards of Trustees Requested as stating in UNC Board of Governors Documents Designation of Millennial Campuses – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (APPENDIX G) and Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro- APPENDIX C-

Reply to public record request for Universities Board of Trustees request for permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development replies: 
  • NCA&T: "As to the request to General Administration to approve the ground lease, Ms. Fails cannot find any transmittal letter, memo, etc."  " We wonder if possibly UNCG sent the request on behalf of both universities. General Administration should have whatever was sent to request BOG action."   General Counsel Office Of Legal Affairs North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University
  • UNCG : " After a diligent search, I can report that we are not in possession of copies of any documents whereby the UNCG Board of Trustees made a request for permission to execute a ground lease, as requested in paragraph 4 of your letter (copy attached)."(4) UNCG Board of Trustees request for  permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development to UNC Board of Governors. UNCG Attorney.
Unambiguous NC A&T and UNCG Board of Trustees hadn't requested as fraudulent stated by the Erskine Bowles Administration, Jim Phillips, Jr.  Committee on Budget and Finance  in UNC BOG documents  Designation of Millennial Campuses – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (APPENDIX G) (Oct. 10. 2003)  and (APPENDIX C ) Lease of Joint Millennial Campus) (May 2006)  which the 32 member unelected UNC  Board of Governors  approved  :
  •  that the land formerly  designated for the Central School for the Deaf  allocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75- acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the North Carolina A&T State University Farm be designated as a joint millennial campus - Designation of Millennial Campuses – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (APPENDIX G)
  • permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development. As stated in UNC BOG document Appendix C  Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (May 2006)  - (APPENDIX C ) Lease of Joint Millennial Campus)
diverting state appropriations and facilities, federal research, and degree programs via the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology to UNC at Greensboro and fraudulent alleged Joint Millennial Campus private education corporation Gateway Research Park, Inc whereby NC A&T's research and academic offerings are transferred and accessed by HWI UNC Greensboro and  to be commercialized by Gateway Research Park, Inc.
Bowles General Administration  March 13, 2007 unsigned Department of Administration PO-1 document for Acquisition of Real Property-received pursuant record request - whose  purpose  "To establish a Joint Millennial Campus for North Carolina A&T and UNCG" , unambiguous  demonstrate Bowles Administration knew  when it alleged May 2006 in UNC BOG document Lease of Joint Millennial Campus-NCA&T and UNCG  "In Oct. 2003, the Boards of Trustees of North Carolina A&T and The University of North Carolina requested, and the Board of Governors approved
the designation of the land (formerly the Central School for the  Deaf) reallocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75-acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the NCA&T State University Farm as a Joint Millennial Campus- that the NCA&T & UNCG Joint Millennial Campus wasn't  designated... Gateway Research Park, Inc.  owns a 50-year lease for Area of a non-existent designated  Joint Millennial Campus.
"We will have all of the assets right here in Guilford County that we need to participate in that explosion, and they will be right here at the Gateway University Research Park."
UNC BOG Committee on Budget and Finance, March 2006, approved recommending 1.3 million dollars for planning a Biotechnology Building at NC A&T to the BOG. Proposed facility would enable NCA&T to support ongoing and expanding research activities in bioengineering, biotechnology and biomedicine. NC A&T' biotechnology program is interdisciplinary and will incorporate research activities currently housed in the College of Engineering, College of Arts and Sciences, and School of Agriculture and Environment Sciences. The Total cost of this project is $25 Million dollars.

2006-07 BUDGET PRIORITIES University-wide Facilities [March 06]

Instead of approving adding the 1.3 Million dollars plan funds for a $ 25 Million dollar Biotechnology Building at NC A&T  the UNC Board of Governors approved, Nov. 2006, 12, 547, 250 for planning & Site development for a new NCA&T/UNCG Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering Building located on the South Campus of the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development alleged (NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus, costing $50, 189,000 to the 2007-09 UNC Budget priorities. NCA&T/UNCG Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering Building would include the academic departments, laboratory facilities (teaching an research), and centers and institutes of the

UNC Board of Governors 2007-09 Capital Budget Priorities (Nov. 06)

new School as well as selected centers and institutes currently located at the partner universities.  The facility would serve as the epicenter for research and teaching in nanotechnology for the two partner universities, Greensboro, the Triad and beyond pursuant a policy discussion on the  2007-09 UNC Budget
 Research clusters created by NC A&T are the following:
priorities.  UNC BOG agenda is determine by the President (Bowles) with the approval of the Chair (Phillips).

Constructing the Nanoscience and Nanoengineering facilities on the South Campus of the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development alleged (NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus, pursuant Lease Nanoscience and Nanoengineering  facility is owned by Gateway for the duration of Lease and allows Gateway

  • Public Health
  • Biotechnology, Bio & Food Sciences
    Advanced Materials & Nanotechnology
    Computational Science & Engineering
    Leadership & Community Development
    Information Sciences & Technology
    Transportation & Logistics
    Energy & Environment]
to depreciate cost of facility ($56.3 million dollars); Gateway and its lessees use of universities Libraries, information network, an other university facilities.   Gateway receives "Manage Facility" funding pursuant MSDA for the Nanoscience and Nanoengineering facilities in the amount of the State funded  Continuation Budget for the facility; facilitates Gateway operating research equipment, seeking public and private research  opportunities.
UNC BOG authorized at HWI UNC at Charlotte a PhD in Nanoscale Science Jan. 2007. The UNC-Charlotte (UNCC) PhD in Nanoscale Science involved five  departments Chemistry, Physics, and Optical Science, Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science,  Electrical And Computer Engineering, and Biology.  Existing faculty members from the above science and engineering departments engaged in research in Nanoscale Science and engineering and serve as doctoral program faculty.    HWI North Carolina State University (Engineering School)9Feb 2013)  requests for authorization to establish a Master of Nanoengineering degree.  HBI "NC A&T has 12-years of experience in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology"  UNC Board of Governors November 2009 and Jan. 2010 authorized M.S. and PhD Nanoscience degrees at HWI UNC at Greensboro requiring Nanoscience students be given the opportunity to take courses at the School of Engineering at HBI North Carolina A&T University ( NCA&T) and be able to work on collaborative projects with faculty in the School of Engineering .  "When almost all of the occupations which will be affected by nanotechnology will require a BS in engineering with a broad, interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary approach; require an understanding not only of electrical, mechanical and civil engineering, but biology, physics and chemistry as well." [5]. and Liberal Arts UNCG is not and engineering school other than white privilege why is UNCG  in the Nanoscience picture.    The CREATOR doesn't recognize " White nor Black " privilege.